Welcome to the CultureCorner Japan Section where we provide information on Japanese cultural competence and working with the Japanese. Article topics range from working with Japanese customers to working in a Japanese company. You can also find Japanese business holidays and the best way to wish "Happy New Year."
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- Becoming a Sushi Chef
- Why do Japanese Wear Masks?
- Seal of Approval
- Working Remotely in Japan
- Japanese Business Emails
- Japanese Business Email Greetings
- Japan: Trust and Relationship-Building
- Valentine's Day in Japan
- Japanese Shinenkai
- Japanese Bonenkai
- The Japanese Business Card Exchange Ritual
- lol in Japanese
- RISK (Blog entry)
- In Japan there is "A" Way to do Everything!
- Omotenashi
- Summer Season's Greetings
- Ochugen time!
- Women in Japan
- 8 Mandates for Sushi Eaters
- Ten Tips for Giving Presentations to Japanese
- Brief History of Japan (Humorous - but language alert)
- Hierarchical versus Territorial
- 2018 Kanji of the Year
- Japan’s Galapagos Microchipped Card
- Powa Hara
- Japanese Phrase of the Month
- 72 Seasons Hath Japan
- Midsummer Trains in Japan
- Teaching Integrity
- Lost and Found in Japan
- Diligence Culture Clash Case
- Japanese Diligence
- Japanese Toilet Symbols
- How to "Read" Japanese Presentations
- What Samurai Archetype Are You Working With?
- Japanese Whisky Named Best in the World
- Pay Your Workers NOT to Work Overtime?
- Japanese Phrase of the Month
- Japanese Business Disruption
- Frontload to Offset Risk: What Learning to Skydive in Japan Taught me about Japanese Business - Part I
- Smile! You're the Example: What Learning to Skydive in Japan Taught me about Japanese Business - Part II
- It's the Ritual Stupid! What Learning to Skydive in Japan Taught me about Japanese Business - Part III
- My First Jump in Japan (not a business lesson but the next event)
- Don't Sit THERE! What Learning to Skydive in Japan Taught me about Japanese Business - Part IV
- Don't Stand Out - Stand In: What Learning to Skydive in Japan Taught me about Japanese Business - Part V
- Swim and Gym Rules in Japan
- Japanese Women Warriors
- Know the Naked Rules of Onsen Etiquette
- Best Free Japanese Language Apps
- Order, Structure, Rules
- Japanese Hangover Cure
- Do You Know Your Saké?
- Saké: Hot or Cold?
- Brief History of Japan
- Japanese Commercial - Schoolgirls
- Is Japan Becoming Sexless?
- Medication Alert for Japan
- The 20 Somethings in Japan
- Japan's Dirty Secret to Productivity
- Japan’s Phallus Festival
- What's in a Word? A lot if it is an Emoji
- Japanese Business Tips Revealed in Emoji
- What does your Facebook Picture say about your Culture?
- What's Your Type? Blood, that is...
- Can You Kaizen?
- Yoroshiku: It Defies Definition
- Japanese Business Cards - Why the Ritual?
- Japanese Business Proverbs
- Ho-ren-so: Japanese-Style Constant Contact
- Hear One -- Understand Ten
- Famous Japanese Management Styles: Oda, Toyotomi and Tokugawa...
- Connecting with Your Japanese Customer
- Maintaining a Japanese Relationship Through Email
- Just Tell Me What You Want Me To Do! Working for a Japanese Boss
- Finding a Japanese Mentor
- Are you suffering from May Sickness?
- Bento - Taken to an Elevated Form of Art
- Can You Guess the Latest Trendy Delicacy in Japan?
- How to help Earthquake Victims
- Modern Elegance - Traditional Techniques
- Rice Field Art
- Rice Field Art 2015
- Japanese Business Holidays
- Winter Seasonal Greetings and Customs