Increased interaction across cultures does not automatically produce cross-cultural harmony. Styles and strategies that work at home can generate quite the opposite effect overseas. As a consequence, the global marketplace can produce as many challenges as it does opportunities.
Of course we want to help you avoid making cross-cultural blunders, but we also want to take you deeper into the culture, empowering you with multi-layered knowledge and a set of skills to get the business results you want.Our training, coaching and work in aligning teams are tailored to your specific needs, designed for high-impact results, and developed with your success in mind:
- Results driven
- Proven process
- Customized content
- Immediately useful tools
Our trainers will prepare you to meet challenges and maximize your opportunities with essential Insight, Skills, and Strategies.
Our programs empower you with knowledge and expertise for bottom-line results. They directly address the issues most important to you, supply deep cultural understanding for long-term success, and help you build productive business relationships.
We work with you and your company as a strategic partner to help ensure every level of the organization is prepared to succeed across cultures:
Global Collaboration Competence
A Cross-Cultural, activity-based program that provides essential skills for working across cultures and gaining Global Collaboration Competence.
Cross-Cultural Connection
We work with you and your colleagues to maximize every opportunity to develop productive intercultural relationships.
Global Leadership
We work with your executives to develop cultural competence and leadership tools to help them succeed wherever they go.
Team Alignment
We work with your cross-cultural teams to build understanding, partnership, and agility in communicating across cultures.
Personal Coaching
We work one-on-one with your high-potentials to heighten their effectiveness in a multicultural environment.

Call us to find out how we can bring value to your business: 858.794.9637