Deeply seated in the Japanese psyche are many concepts drawn from China and formalized in Japan through Zen Buddhism. One of these is the concept of dō (道), often translated as "the Way" such as bushidō, the Way of the warrior; juudō, the gentle or soft way; dōtoku, the Way of virtue; and so on. But it is really more like a code, a method, or a set of structured rules. The idea is that by learning and practicing these routines through endless repetition, you refine a Way of staying in perfect harmony and balance, able to perform with concentration and consistency.
In business, it means that there are procedures or a set of rules for doing almost everything. There is a set protocol for dealing with customers (what you say, how you package their goods) that does not deviate from a high-class department store to a neighborhood shop. There are rules that govern when one changes from the summer uniform or clothing to the winter, when one goes to lunch and when one returns. Trying to take short cuts or deviate from the rigid rules is highly frowned upon: you're likely to be suspected of being lazy, sloppy, or a trouble maker.
This can create problems if you want to suggest a more efficient way of doing something. If the procedures say you take step 1, 2, and 3, before doing 4, that's the way it has to be done, and they're not going to change it without first doing an analysis, a trial, and then a full procedural change where all documentation of the processes is altered. Proposing something that requires flexibility will usually be met with dismay and insistence that it must be preplanned from A-Z.
Exceptions are sometimes made when trust is very high, but for the most part, the set procedure is set, and individuals don't feel at liberty to give you a free pass. It may help you to consider:
• What’s the ritual or rule in play?
• What’s the reason for it?
• How do I get the result I want?
The ritual is what you see (this is what many people refer to as Kabuki behavior). The reason is a deep cultural custom and logic that has produced the ritual. Then think about: What will be the result if I don’t understand the ritual and reason? What will be the result if I understand them but choose not to follow their norm? What will be the result if I switch styles and make use of their ritual in a way that works for me too?
Every situation is different and consequently, you need to consider these questions and how to respond to them on a case by case basis. However, if you are a person who frequently decides to go against their norms, for example joking in meetings, interrupting people or processes, and creating conflict with the intention of “shaking things up” or simply because that is your personality and you don’t want to change, the result might be different from what you expect.
The Japanese will most likely indulge you at the time. This is ritual (tatemae). The reason is that they don’t want to create more conflict. But the result is that you will be excluded from important decisions or conversations. The more you “push” in Japan, the more they dig in their heels. The Kabuki may look like you’re succeeding because they can be very patient, but the honne is that they will ignore you whenever they can, and they are masters of doing it while keeping up the ritual appearance.
• If you're a person who doesn't like structure, imagine it's a game. All games have rules, and if you're not willing to follow the rules, you can't play.
The rules in Japan may seem silly: There may be a housing allowance for a house under a certain size, but not for anything bigger - even if the rent is cheaper. There may be a rule that there can be no "free" days on a business trip, even if that means flying back to Japan from Europe for one day, only to return the next.
The rules may be inconvenient: You may need a Director's permission to get a new pencil. No one under the rank of Vice President may be permitted to change the thermostat, even if it's set for 82 degrees in winter.
The rules may seem like they are designed simply for conformity: Often, no personal items are allowed on employees' desks - like photos, knick-knacks, and sometimes not even their own coffee cup. Women may not be allowed to wear makeup and their skirt length may be regulated to a specific height above the knee. Men may only be allowed to wear their hair a certain style (not longer or shorter).
The rules may be designed to build a stronger sense of identity with the company and other workers: You may be required to recite the company's core principles and do group calisthenics each morning. Company parties and group trips may be mandatory.
The rules may seem like a waste of time: You may be required to write daily or even hourly reports on what you have been doing. You may need numerous people to stamp their approval on your expense report before you get reimbursed.
The bottom line, however, is that if you want to work in Japan, you're best off resigning yourself to following the rules. The rules are set and fighting them just makes you seem to be a self-centered individualist. And after all, following the rules is dōtoku, the Way of virtue!
By Diana Rowland, author Japanese Business: Rules of Engagement