Epson America, Inc.
"In two days I learned more valuable information than in 10 years with the Company. Highly recommended!"
Pam Rocco Senior Manager, Channel Marketing Epson America, Inc.
"This course was, bar none, the most useful and informative business seminar I have ever had in my 30+ years of work."
H. Ward Camp VP Regulatory and Policy Toshiba, Landis+Gyr
Verizon Wireless
"This training was not simply about the surface issues but in a short time delved into the cultural 'whys'."
Jim McHenry Director, Product Development & Integration Verizon Wireless
Toshiba America Medical Systems
"I can't remember any seminar ever that has provided anywhere near the volume of valuable "takeaways" that I can immediately apply to improve my personal and my team's effectiveness. Once again, thank you!"
Tom Greer Director, Services Logistics Management Toshiba America Medical Systems
Toyota Motor Sales USA
"Even with 25 years experience of working with the Japanese and having been in Japan 31 times on business travel, I still found the seminar useful and informative."
David Raney Corp. Manager, Regulatory Affairs and Powertrain Planning Toyota Motor Sales USA
Toyota Motor Sales USA
"This seminar was an eye opening experience. It teaches you how to build stronger, more productive relationships with Japanese partners in an informative and fun way. Even if you believe you already know how to work with your Japanese partners take this course. You'll be delightfully surprised at what you'll learn.."
Dr. Mario Nuñez Product Planning Administrator, Toyota Motor Sales USA
Roland Musical Instruments
"This was, by far, the best investment that we have ever made in the professional development of our staff!"
Dennis M. Houlihan Boardmember Roland Japan
Panasonic Automotive Systems
The participants were surprised at what they learned in this training and made comments such as “Wow! This is eye opening!” We could see how much misunderstanding we are creating by not knowing essential information about the people from other cultures with whom we work.
Seeing is believing. Just take the program. Japanese companies, especially, need to carefully take a look at where they are missing opportunities.
I highly recommend the Rowland & Associates coaching/facilitators, Taka Muraji and David Severance. Especially, in a cross-cultural team building session, their combination and team-work is perfect and would be effective for any Japanese company. This program is unlike other ordinary programs in Japan, as the program goes to the core of the issues. The facilitators are skilled at creating an environment where the participants feel comfortable and able to tackle their issues by being more open-minded.
このトレーニングを受けて、「目からうろこ」、「Wow! This is eye- opening!」など、皆から 驚嘆の声が上がった。
異文化人同士が いかに多く誤解を「知らず知らずのうちに」しているかが 見える形で従業員に理解してもらうことができた。
事業を作るのは 人なり。人間の根幹に着目する形で 実レッスンを通し今後の人材育成、しいては会社の運営における「気づき」を得ることができた。今後は この気づきを実際のアクションとして 永続的に 会社に根付かせて行きたい。
ローランド&アソシエイツの百聞は一見にしかず、受けるべし。特に 日系の会社は グローバル市場での機会損失が どこにあるのか?をもっと見つめ直すべき。事業は 人によってしか 作ることはできない。その「人」とは? をグローバルレベルで考えれば 自ずと必要性が理解できるはず。
コーチは、村治孝浩 (日本人、米在)とデービッド・シビランス(アメリカ人)の2名がお勧めである。特に 異文化マネジメントトレーニング、またチームビルディングのセッションにおいては、 2人のコンビネーションが絶妙で日系の会社では 特に有効だと思う。両者とも通常日本で受けるような 有態なレッスンではなく、その会社の抱える問題点の本質をつき、それをチームへ助成する能力を持っている。これは 数多く感じることの出来た 彼らの能力の一例にすぎないが、2人共 非常にレベルが高く、プロフェッショナルである。加えて非常に親身かつユーモアもあり、受講生が心を開いてプログラムに取り組める環境、雰囲気を作り出せる人物である。後は 受講される 会社側、各個人の 姿勢次第と言っていいだろう。
Naoki Usui CTO Panasonic Automotive & Industrial Systems Europe GmbH
Panasonic Corporation of North America
"Panasonic has found Rowland & Associates to be a terrific resource in helping us to improve the cross-cultural understanding within our firm. Employees who have attended their workshops have expressed a new found understanding of how to present ideas in such a way as to have them more speedily understood and approved. I highly recommend Rowland & Associates to any firm which has any type of cross-cultural business dealings."
Ronn Richard President Strategic Ventures Panasonic Corporation of North America
"We evaluate over 100 conference speakers each year. I was not surprised to discover that Diana Rowland had been rated the highest ever of any of our speakers -- a perfect 4.0 on a scale of 1 - 4."
Ronda Culp Program Manager The Industrial Development Research Council
University of Southern California
"Diana Rowland is a first class act! She has played a key role in our international executive programs since 1986. A great teacher - - organized, dynamic and effective. She lights up the classroom!"
Jack Lewis Director, International Executive Programs, University of Southern California
Nortel, Inc.
"Rowland & Associates seminars, and Ms. Rowland's insightful book, Japanese Business Etiquette, have become standard within Northern (Nortel) Telecom."
Norman J. Cross III Manager Technical Support Services Nortel Inc.
Lincoln Re
"Diana Rowland was key to preparing our Japan team for the first meeting in developing a joint venture with a Tokyo company - everything from body language to proper dress, food to negotiating styles. A wealth of knowledge and experience, Rowland and Associates has been an ongoing source of advice for us in our international ventures and expat concerns."
Mary Lee Second Vice President, International Operations Lincoln Re
American Airlines Vacations
"Rowland and Associates did an outstanding job in working with our people. Their knowledge, enthusiastic approach and follow up in addressing concerns helped us grow our business in the Pacific."
Anthony J Marra Vice President American Airlines Vacations
"Rowland & Associates provided us with a key ingredient in the success we have had to date in our Japanese project. Their down-to-earth practical guidance is applied on a daily basis and has made our team function better throughout a complex and stressful engineering project."
Denny F. d'Alelio President Asia Business Development TRW Systems & Technology
University of Southern California
"No Company does more to help corporate people engage in better business relationships across the borders of cultures and time zones."
Richard Drobnick, Ph.D. Vice Provost for International Affairs, University of Southern California
Levi Strauss International
"...We owe so much to you...the information you provided was right on! I have recommended your program to others who have transferred. Sometimes now, when I am with foreign visitors here in Japan, I get a little embarrassed by the gauche things they do from a local perspective."
Daril Doran Levi Strauss International Japan
General Dynamics
"The Japanese Business Culture Seminar provided by Rowland & Associates should be a mandatory course provided to all employees who will be interacting with the Japanese"
John King FS-XATE Project Manager, Electronics Division General Dynamics
Georgia Power
"About four years ago, one of our large industrial customers, a Japanese company, had a series of outage problems. The problems were not our fault, but in the process of trying to explain it, we made some classical protocol errors. The customer got very angry with us and it took a lot of time to heal the wounds. That is when we decided that we needed to educate ourselves on Japanese business culture.... Your courses have been the most popular and useful courses we have ever offered."
Milton Moore Assistant Vice President Georgia Power Company
Hughes Space & Communications Co.
"Diana Rowland and her associates have been instrumental in training our engineering and business teams working in Japan, Mexico, Thailand, Russia, Latin America and China. They are very effective instructors, combining a sense of the culture and tradition with specific guidance for almost every situation an executive might encounter, from introductions to the hardest parts of negotiations. Their personal experience enables them to be extremely effective trainers and consultants on doing business in cultures whose business practices may initially seem incredibly opaque to an American. I recommend them without reservation."
Dr. Robert D. Parker Senior Vice President Hughes Space & Communications Co.
Pacific Telecom Cable, Inc.
"Rowland and Associates provided two critical interventions for Pacific Telecom. In the first, negotiations between the tri-country partners of a $500 million venture were at a standstill. Diana Rowland helped to find a face-saving solution for the Japanese that also met the needs of the American and British partners. Without this assistance, the partnership would have certainly failed. In the second intervention, with our project behind us, our corporate future was unclear. Rowland & Associates facilitated a strategic planning effort to help us explore what the future held. In the several day session we dealt with very difficult and sensitive issues. R&A's facilitation creatively assisted us in finding a positive path."
Shari Lopez Albertson Head of Marketing Management Pacific Telecom Cable, Inc.
Toshiba America Electronic Components
"Our employees are very enthusiastic about the cultural training they receive through Rowland & Associates, Inc. Comments we have received include, 'Very practical information.' 'I understand so much more now.' 'I wish I had this training years ago.' 'It was the most useful training I have ever had!' "
Allison Pratt Vice President Human Resources Toshiba America Electronic Components
Unisys Corporation
"Life in a large multi-national corporation is generally in a constant state of flux. New organizations, new products, new structures and new players are a fact of life. To cope with this, in my role as director of the core group responsible for our Japanese initiatives, I have enlisted the proven expertise of Rowland and Associates to prepare my colleagues for the unique attributes of the Japanese business culture. Over the years, their services have been invaluable to my company and have certainly made my life easier."
Roger Harris Director, Pricing & Liaison, Japan Operations Unisys Corporation