Collaborating Across Differences™ Content
The themes and competencies provided in Collaborating Across Differences™
In six 1 hour sessions, four 1.5 hour virtual sessions, or two three-hour virtual sessions, for 6-12 participants.
RESET thinking and responses with self-awareness and emotion management
DISCOVER alternative methods and mindsets with curiosity and openness
STRETCH comfort zones with flexibility and empathy
- ENGAGE and collaborate with diverse people with interpersonal skills and cultural intelligence
This is the "must take" program for anyone and everyone with responsibilities or interaction across borders or differences!
Contact us: Or see the Overview.
Assessments for Leaders and Managers
- Maximizing Your Leadership Potential 360 prepares front-line managers to achieve lasting results through people.
- Benchmarks 360 for Managers is a comprehensive 360-degree assessment for middle-to-upper-level managers that measure 16 competencies critical for success, as well as 5 possible career derailers. (Leadership behaviors critical for success and potential flaws that can derail a career.)
- Influence Style Indicator identifies dominant, preferred, secondary and underutilized styles. The personalized report addresses individual strengths and challenges explains how to boost underutilized styles, and provides tips for influencing effectively.
- Per Sight The WorkPlace Big 5 is a personality assessment based on the Five-Factor Model of Personality, the current standard for psychologists. It measures five traits and 23 sub traits that reveal how the individual approaches tasks and responsibilities.
- The FIRO-B® (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior™) helps individuals understand their behavior and the behavior of others. With the insights into individuals’ interpersonal needs, it can help improve workplace interactions.
Japan for Women
As a professional woman working with Japan, the myth of Japanese culture can be confusing and intimidating. But we have a perfect solution for you.
Japan has been placed 110th out of 149 countries in the World Economic Forum’s global gender equality rankings for 2018. The nation rose four places from 114th in a year, but this ranking is significantly behind other advanced economies. Did Japan fail to correct a gender gap and choose to remain to be a male-dominant society? Or are there any other factors in Japanese culture which lead to this result?
Over 30 years, IntXel (former Rowland & Associates) has listened to thousands of participants and created the Japan for Women program based on participants' specific questions and needs. They have considerable concerns about professional women embarking on working relationships with Japanese due to the way Japan looks in history, publications and news. The Japan for Women cross-cultural program offers insight into the qualities of female leaders in Japan. Through case study analysis and activities, participants practice strategies for negotiation, presentation, conflict transformation, and protocol. We are confident that this program will help you to deepen your cultural competence and to improve your work relationship and productivity with your Japanese counterparts.
Here are some of the comments from previous participants.
"This seminar is a fantastic blend of sociology, psychology and practical cultural application."
"This seminar provided great insight into the cultural differences between the US & Japan and will help me be a better communicator in the future." – Sharon Haverlak, VP People & Culture
"I highly recommend this training to anyone that works closely with Japanese culture. It has helped me soo much! Thanks, Intxel for everything!" - Amy Shetler, Office Assistant
Contact us for more details.
Program for Japanese in Japanese
Are you an expat from Japan and confused or overly challenged by your new role? Have you ever felt that Japanese expats in your workplace are having cultural difficulties? You have come to the right place!
Expats from Japan and locally hired Japanese employees often have many questions about US colleagues' behaviors and expectations. Confusion and unresolved misunderstandings lead them to be isolated or in a misinformation loop from other expats, potentially creating friction between them and US colleagues.
IntXel offers USA Program for Japanese in Japanese. The USA Program helps expats from Japan and locally hired Japanese employees to understand how very different the two countries are historically and culturally, and to be able to reach a productive middle ground with US employees by shifting their perspective.
For more information, Contact us.