Our Coaching Services
Improving the capabilities of key individuals is essential for retaining the talent and knowledge base of a company.
Executive Coaching has been recognized as one of the most effective methods for developing corporate high potentials. In addition to traditional responsibilities, however, the ability to work and lead across cultures has become a crucial factor in being able to impact the success and profitability of internationally active companies or those with a diverse workforce.
Our cross-cultural coaches work with people in key positions - from CEOs to frontline managers - to positively change their behaviors in specific areas of need. Our systematic approach provides a structured method to facilitate and measure change - and our culturally savvy coaches help to devise a plan that takes the critical cultural component into consideration.
Team Coaching uses a similar process to assess team needs, identify areas for development, promote team support for change, and create a culturally effective plan. The coach may work with individuals or the team as a whole to provide training, coaching, and/or meeting facilitation. Acting as a team partner, the coach can work with organizational teams, project teams, joint venture teams, and virtual teams.