- Maximizing Your Leadership Potential 360 prepares front-line managers to achieve lasting results through people.
- Benchmarks 360 for Managers is a comprehensive 360-degree assessment for middle-to-upper-level managers that measure 16 competencies critical for success, as well as 5 possible career derailers. (Leadership behaviors critical for success and potential flaws that can derail a career.)
- Influence Style Indicator identifies dominant, preferred, secondary and underutilized styles. The personalized report addresses individual strengths and challenges explains how to boost underutilized styles, and provides tips for influencing effectively.
- Per Sight The WorkPlace Big 5 is a personality assessment based on the Five-Factor Model of Personality, the current standard for psychologists. It measures five traits and 23 sub traits that reveal how the individual approaches tasks and responsibilities.
- The FIRO-B® (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior™) helps individuals understand their behavior and the behavior of others. With the insights into individuals’ interpersonal needs, it can help improve workplace interactions.