According to the Chinese zodiac, on January 31, 2014 (year 4912 by the Chinese calendar) we enter the Year of the Horse.
The Year of the Horse has marked important historical turning points, such as both world wars (1918, 1942), the Great Depression (1930), and the Cultural Revolution in China (1966) The key word for the Year of the Horse is action: exhilarating times prevail as decisions and projects take off at a gallop. Planning and procrastination are shoved aside as the impulsive (almost wild), whimsical and intuitive dominate the instincts of the business world.
Industry, production and the world's economy will be on the upswing, but tempers in politics and diplomacy may flair. Overall, it should be a rewarding but exhausting year. While potential for advancement is excellent, the erratic pace can deplete one's energies, bringing stress and tension into everyday life. Life will be hectic, so be bold, adventuresome, brave and hang on to your saddle to ride with the constant changes in the Horse Year.
As a herd animal, the Horse is very social. Consequently, this is a good year to talk about your problems with others and try to fit in with the group. Not everyone ends up in the winner’s circle, but those that do make the whole herd look good.
People born in the Year of the Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014) are said to be born leaders, energetic, friendly, bold in their actions, good money-managers, and to advance ambitiously in business and finance. Their sparkling wit, elegant appearance, stimulating conversation, skillful paying of compliments, makes them socially popular. As cravers of the hub of attention, they frequent any arena where there are entertainers and large crowds. Freedom and independence are key to their well-being, to the point of being headstrong. When reined in, they resist, become impatient, try to buck routine, and show their hot-temper. Quick at grasping meanings, they want others to get to the point speedily and not waste time. But the truth is they will give up everything for love.
Famous people born in the Year of the Horse include: Louisa May Alcott, Leonard Bernstein, Kobe Bryant, Jackie Chan, Frédéric Chopin, Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin, Genghis Khan, Paul McCartney, Sir Isaac Newton, Sandra Day O'Connor, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, Teddy Roosevelt, Barbara Streisand, Harrison Ford, Jerry Seinfeld, John Travolta, Oprah Winfrey, Denzel Washington, and Emma Watson.
Best Wishes for a healthy and successful Horse Year!