Rank | Percentage | |
1 | There’s a mistake in my name | 44.4% |
2 | It’s all blank | 36.2% |
3 | I don’t know who it’s from (unknown person or no name) | 29.4% |
4 | They've used a previous year’s postcard | 27.0% |
5 | There’s an over-Photoshopped image of the sender on the card | 18.4% |
6 | The wrong Chinese zodiac year animal is on it | 17.8% |
6 | There’s a comment/photograph that doesn’t fit with our relationship | 17.8% |
8 | It arrives in the second half of January | 16.8% |
9 | There’s a printing failure (eg one colour missing) | 15.8% |
10 | The sender has a photo of themselves dressed up as this year’s zodiac animal | 12.8% |
11 | I informed them I was in mourning but they sent a card anyway | 12.4% |
12 | It’s from someone I’ve had a fight with, split up with | 12.2% |
13 | The year is wrong | 11.8% |
14 | There’s “Have a Gr8 Nu Yr”, similar abbreviated greeting | 11.6% |
15 | There’s New Year resolutions written all over the card | 9.2% |
15 | There’re corrections, but the original mistake is still visible | 6.2% |
17 | “Thanks for the postcard” is written on the card | 5.8% |
18 | It’s not a New Year postcard | 4.8% |
19 | An unseasonal photo or illustration was used | 4.4% |
20 | It’s all printed, no handwritten message, etc | 3.6% |
For more see: Japanese Seasonal Greetings and Customs