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Would you like a hedgehog with your coffee?

Japanese hedgehog cafe

Tokyo is well known for its pet cafés, from dogs, cats, bunnies, hawks, and owls to snakes.  But now, for $9 on weekdays and $12 on weekends, you can buy yourself an hour of hedgehog cuddle.

Maybe cuddle isn't exactly the right word as they can be a little prickly.  In fact, the name of the café is a play on words -- no not hairy, but needle-like.  Harry in Japanese is pronounce ha (like in ha, ha, ha) ri, which is a homonym for needle.  Get it?

There is self-serve coffee and tea and you can bring snacks. Of course you don't want your cute little ball to go hungry while you munch, so you can always buy hedgehog food for your main squeeze.

Pick your favorite color - “Salt n pepper”, “Pied”, “Cinnamon”, “Albino” - and play until they get prickly.

Harry's website says about itself:

"It is the space to get in touch with and befriend a Hedgehog.
Try to gently feel the softness of Hedgehog.
Lovely eyes, little hands and legs, fluffy stomach but tingly back,
their cuteness could make you so amazed that sometimes you need to pinch
yourself. They are always kind little kids."

By the way, you can use their website to make your reservation during the novelty popularity stampede:

Let us know your favorite!  Oh and if you want something a little more furry, Ms. Bunny is next door.



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